ČSN EN ISO 18557   (404059) Principy charakterizace půd, budov a infrastruktur kontaminovaných radionuklidy pro účely sanace

  • Třídící znak:404059
  • Platnost:Norma je platná
  • Vydání:08/2020
  • Účinnost:09/2020 - doposud
  • Jazyk:Část nebo celá norma je v angličtině.

ČSN EN ISO 18557   (404059) Principy charakterizace půd, budov a infrastruktur kontaminovaných radionuklidy pro účely sanace Norma Kat. číslo: 510353

 Principy charakterizace půd, budov a infrastruktur kontaminovaných radionuklidy pro účely sanace
Dlouhý název: Principy charakterizace půd, budov a infrastruktur kontaminovaných radionuklidy pro účely sanace
Krátký název: Norma
Třídící znak: 404059
Platnost: Norma je platná
Vydání: 08/2020
Účinnost: 09/2020 - doposud
Jazyk: Část nebo celá norma je v angličtině.
525,00  s DPH

Anotace textu normy ČSN EN ISO 18557   (404059)

This document presents guidelines for sampling strategies and characterization processes to assess the contamination of soils, buildings and infrastructures, prior to remediation and/or to check that the remediation objectives have been met (final release surveys). The principles presented need to be appropriately graded as regards the specific situations concerned (size, level of contamination.).

This document deals with characterization in relation to site remediation. It applies to sites contaminated after normal operation of older nuclear facilities. It could also apply to site remediation after a major accident, and in this case the input data will be linked to the accident involved.

The document complements existing standards, notably concerning sampling, sample preservation and their transport, treatment and laboratory measurements, but also those related to in situ chemical and radiological measurements.

The document does not apply to the following issues: execution of clean-up works, sampling and characterization of waste (conditioned or unconditioned) or to waste packages.

It does not apply to groundwater characterization (saturated zone).

Given the case-by-case nature of site remediation and decommissioning, the principles and guidance communicated in this document are intended as general guidance only, not prescriptive requirements.


Zdroj: Česká Agentura pro Standardizaci (www.agentura-cas.cz) - smluvní partner

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