ČSN EN 16602-60   (310510) Zabezpečování kosmických produktů - Elektrické, elektronické a elektromechanické (EEE) součástky

  • Norma: ČSN EN 16602-60   (310510)
  • Název: Zabezpečování kosmických produktů - Elektrické, elektronické a elektromechanické (EEE) součástky
  • Kategorie: 3105 - Kosmonautika
  • Katalogový kód:98812
  • Dostupnost:Tisk
  • Třídící znak:310510
  • Platnost:Norma není platná
  • Vydání:02/2016
  • Účinnost:03/2016 - 12/2023
  • Jazyk:Část nebo celá norma je v angličtině.
Norma byla nahrazena těmito normami: ČSN EN 16602-60   (310510)

Anotace textu normy ČSN EN 16602-60   (310510)

This standard defines the requirements for selection, control, procurement and usage of EEE commercial components for space projects.

This standard is applicable to commercial encapsulated active monolithic parts (integrated circuits and discrete):

- diodes

- microwave diodes

- integrated circuits

- microwave integrated circuits (MMIC)

- transistors

- microwave transistors

This standard is not applicable to the commercial parts from the following families:

- capacitors

- connectors

- crystals

- filters

- fuses

- heaters

- inductors

- microwave passive parts

- oscillators

- relays

- resistors

- switches

- thermistors

- transformers

- cables wires

- hybrids

- surface acoustic waves (SAW)

- charge coupled devices (CCD)

- active pixel sensors (APS)

In addition, the following families of EEE components are not addressed by the present ECSS standard but it can be used as guideline and revisited on case/case basis:

- photodiodes

- light emitting diodes (LED)

- phototransistors

- opto-couplers

- laser diodes

In line with ECSS-Q-ST-60, this standard differentiates between three classes of components through three different sets of standardization requirements (clauses) to be met.

The three classes provide for three levels of trade-off between assurance and risk. The highest assurance and lowest risk is provided by class 1 and the lowest assurance and highest risk by class 3. Procurement costs are typically highest for class 1 and lowest for class 3. Mitigation and other engineering measures can decrease the total cost of ownership differences between the three classes. The project objectives, definition and constraints determine which class or classes of components are appropriate to be utilised within the system and subsystems.

a. Class 1 components are described in Clause 4

b. Class 2 components are described in Clause 5

c. Class 3 components are described in Clause 6

Annex G includes a diagram that summarizes the difference between these three classes for evaluation, screening and lot acceptance.

The requirements of this document are applicable to all parties involved at all levels in the integration of EEE commercial components into space segment hardware and launchers.

For easy tailoring and implementation of the requirements into a Requirement Management Tool, and for direct traceability to ECSS-Q-ST-60, requirements in this standards have been written in the way of a ECSS Applicability Requirement Matrix (EARM), as defined in Annex A of ECSS-S-ST-00 ´ECSS system - Description, implementation and general requirements´.

This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristics and constrains of a space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00.


Zdroj: Česká Agentura pro Standardizaci (www.agentura-cas.cz) - smluvní partner

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